

膨大な楽譜を気軽に持ち運びでき、ギターやキーボード演奏に最適なiPad専用の楽譜アプリ「forScore」がバージョン8.1にアップデート。 今回のアップデートでiCloudとの連携が可能になりました。これにより更に手軽にユーザー自身で作成したPDFを読み込み表示させることが可能になりました。さらにMIDI機能の向上など更に使える楽譜ビューアーアプリになりました。 有名&定番作曲家18人、約1,300ページ/300種類以上にわたる楽譜リストも閲覧可能なので1,000円でも安いかもしれません。

バージョン 8.1 の新機能
• Adds iCloud Drive support to the Services panel (iOS 8 only)
• Includes support for the Adonit Jot Touch and Wacom Bamboo Fineline in the Devices panel
• Recognizes button presses from these new devices and the Adonit Jot Script
• Enhances device support to allow long button presses to perform alternate actions
• Adds a calibration function to improve stylus drawing accuracy
• Improves palm rejection
• Displays a link to the App Store in the support panel when a newer version of forScore is available
• Shows IP address in Console in case common name doesn't work
• Fixes an issue that prevented sharing certain file types with other apps
• Improves overall MIDI reliability and fixes several issues with command interpretation
• Corrects an issue with the Devices panel not appearing properly on unsupported iPads
• Resolves an issue with some file services not loading their contents immediately after linking
• Fixes several localization issues

forScore Tutorial: Getting Started

What's The Apps: ForScore - Get Your Music On!


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